In order to increase the representation of minority communities in services, all Heads of Departments, Public Sector Enterprises, Public Sector Banks and financial institutions, quasi-government organizations, autonomous bodies etc. and all appointing authorities have been asked by Deptt. of Personnel & Training (DoPT) to scrupulously observe the following guidelines issued by DoPT vide OM no. 39016/7(s)/2006-Estt(B), dated 8.1.2007:

The composition of Selection Committees should be representative. It should be mandatory to have one member belonging to SC/ST and one member belonging to minority community in Selection Boards/Committees for making recruitment to 10 or more vacancies.
Where the number of vacancies against which selection is to be made is less than 10, efforts should be made to have the Schedules Caste/Tribes officer and a minority community officer included in such Committees/Boards.
Wide publicity should be given to all appointments in Government, Public Sector Enterprises and Public Sector Banks and financial institutions. Advertisements should be issued in the languages spoken by large number of people of the State/UTs, apart from English and Hindi. Further, for Group C & D level posts, having only basic qualifying requirements, information about vacancies for recruitment should also be disseminated through schools and colleges in that area, in addition to normal channels.
Where there is concentration of minority community population in local areas, the vacancy circular in local language may be distributed in those areas by suitable arrangements.
This information was given by the Minister of Minority Affairs, Shrimati Smriti Zubin Irani, in a written reply in Lok Sabha