*Bazm-e-Niswan Charitable Trust Scholarship Program – 2023*
Scholarships of Rs.1 Crore 70 lakhs to 4500 Poor , Needy and Meritorius Muslim Girls Students.

*Bazm e Niswan*, started in 1971 has been offering scholarship to poor and needy muslim girls to pursue higher education. *This year 4500 girls studying in PUC, Diploma, Under Graduation & Post Graduation were given scholarships.* Total amount released was Rs.1 Crore and 70 lakhs.

At a function held on Sunday, 03 december 2023 in Bengaluru @
India Builders Corporation
Diamond District Club House .

The Girls who are excelling in academics displayed great confidence and expressed desire of further achievement

Bazm e Niswan has been working for upliftment of women
Besides this they also conduct
tailoring classes and giving the trainees sewing machines .
They have a pension scheme for elderly women ,
They help in wedding arrangements of underpriviliged and also organise tution centres at a few slums