Highlights of Congress President Shri Mallikarjun Kharge’s public meeting at Bhalki,
Karnataka | May 2, 2023
BJP has always insulted Babasaheb and our Constitution
If Modi ji has the first right to ask for votes in Gujarat. Because he is born in Gujarat.
Then I have the first right to ask for votes in Karnataka
CM Bommai says, Modi & Shah support him, but does the people support him ?
I extend my warm felicitations to Bhalki MLA Shri EshwaraKhandre and his father Shri
They have built bridges and barrages, roads, and irrigation facilities in the area and have made
tremendous contributions to the welfare of this region.
Congress works on the principles of Gautam Buddha, Basava, Mahatma Phule, Mahatma
Gandhiji and Dr B R Ambedkar.
They always fought for the weaker and oppressed sections of the society. These leaders are
great unforgettable saints. They made us human beings. They taught us the Mantra of how to
live as human beings, and today Congress stands on those principles.
BabasahebAmbedkar’s contribution to the Constitution of India is immense. Considering the
intellectual capacity of Dr Ambedkar, Pandit Nehru appointed him as the Chairman for the
drafting committee of the Indian Constitution. Where was the BJP and Jan Sangh at that time?
BJP has always criticised the Constitution of India. BJP has always said and believed that since
Manu’s philosophies are not included in the Constitution, they shall never accept it. But didn’t
Manu exclude us from the mainstream? He said l, don’t give power to the Shudra. According to
him, we were not supposed to become Ministers or MLAs. Manu opposed giving education to
Shudras. As per his philosophy, women and Shudras are not eligible to enjoy freedom. We are
AtiShudras, therefore we were not meant to have any rights. But Ambedkar changed this. He
gave us a Constitution that was based on principle in equality, justice and freedom.
BJP has always disrespected Dr Ambedkar and his contribution. They have always insulted him. You
won’t find a single photograph of Dr Ambedkar in BJP or RSS’ office. They use him just to get votes in
his name. But we keep his photo considering him asभाÊयदाता – जनताकेǒपता . You can see the statues of
Babasaheb in our region like in Humnabad, Bhalki, Bidar etc. Can you find his statutes in Modi or Shah’s
constituency? (Asking the public)
This is a 40 per cent commission State Sovernment. They demand money for every work and say 40 per
cent commission 40% कमीशनदɅगेतोकामआपकोदɅगे, वरनाघरचलेजाओ ! This is the state of affairs in our
It is because of my efforts under the leadership of Smt. Sonia Gandhi and Dr Manmohan Singh,
that people of seven districts can enjoy 80 per cent reservation in education and government
jobs in this area. This is because we brought Article 371(J) and amended the Constitution for
the welfare of this region.
We did not even have a simple majority to pass the bill. But I personally met the members, from
both sides and convinced them to do this for the long awaited development of this region and
finally, the bill was passed unanimously.
Today 2,58,000 jobs are vacant in Karnataka. BJP claims that they gave a good government,
and they didn’t have a shortage of funds. Then why don’t they fill the vacancies? OBC, EWS,
SC/ST – all sections would have got jobs if they had started recruitment. But they don’t want
these sections to become financially stable and independent.
As soon as the Congress govt. is formed in Karnataka, we will take the following decisions in
the first cabinet meeting: Firstly, we shall implement GRUHA JYOTHI i.e. 200 units of free
electricity per month to every household. Secondly, GRUHA LAKSHMI SCHEME i.e.
2000/month to every woman head of household to lead daily household affairs, thirdly, YUVA
NIDHI i.e. ₹3,000/month for unemployed graduates & 1500/month for unemployed diploma
holders and lastly, ANNA BHAGYA which is Free 10 kg of rice per person per month to BPL
families. Soon after assuming power, we will do it.
गजु रातमɅमोदȣजीऔरअिमतशाहरोडशोकरतेथे।गली-
गलीघमू करचुनावमɅवोटमांगतथे े।कहतेथेमगɇ जु रातकाबेटाहूँ।मइसिमटट ɇ ȣमɅपदै ाहुआहूँ।अगरआपगजु रातकȧिमÒटȣमɅपै
दाहोकरआपवोटलेनेआसकतेहो ,
तबतोमभालक ɇ ȧकȧिमÒटȣमɅपदै ाहुआहूँ।Èयामरेेकोकणाटकम [ Ʌवोटपानेकापहलाहक़नहȣंहै।अगरǔजसकȧिमÒटȣहै,
उसकापहलाहक़होताहैतोमेरापहलाहक़होताहै।कनाट[ कमरेाहै।भाइयोऔरबहनɉ,
आपसेमएकह ɇ ȣबातकहूँगाǑकमोदȣजीकेझठूेआƳासनमɅमतआओ।बोàमईजीकȧझठूेवादɉमɅमतआओ।
बोàमईजीकहतेहɇ, Ǒकमोदȣऔरअिमतशाहमरेेपीछेहɇ।मपɇछू ताहूँ, भाई, Èयाजनताआपके पीछे है ? होतीतो,
तबहोतीहैबात ! बोàमईजीबहुतडरेहुएहɇ, तभीबारबारमोदȣजीयहाँआरहɅहɇ।आजभीकलबगु ȸमɅहɇ।रोज़कलबगु ȸम 2-3 Ʌ
मीǑटंगकरतेहɇ।अरे, येखरगेकोहरानेसे, यािमटानेसे, सारेलोगतोिमटनहȣंजाते।इसीिलएमकहताहो ɇ –
खूबकरोकोिशश, मोदȣजी, हमकोिमÒटȣमɅदबानेकȧ
हमबीजहɇ… हमɅबार-बारउगनेकȧआदतहै, िमटनेकȧनहȣं !
जयǑहÛद ! जयकांĒेस !