‘Gender equality is a national priority’
Mangalore: Gender equality and women empowerment is a national priority as it holds the key for reduction of poverty and inclusive development, said Mangalore University Vice Chancellor Prof. P Subrahmanya Yadapadithaya.
After inaugurating a virtual international conference on “Experiments in Gender Mainstreaming: India and Canada” organized by the Mangalore University UGC Centre for Women’s Studies, in collaboration with Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI), New Delhi and with the support of Ministry of Education recently, he continued, “In order to realize gender equality, gender mainstreaming is very important. Gender Mainstreaming is not only a goal but also a means to achieve gender equality.”
Mysore University former professor of Sociology Prof. Indira, in her key note address opined that Gender Mainstreaming should be seen as a process where our understanding of gender has to brought in at every stage of policy and implementation.
TATA Institute of Social Sciences and SNDT University former professor Prof. Vibhuti Patel, SICI Director Dr. Prachi Kaul, School of Public Health University of Alberta (Canada) Professor Dr. Denise L. Spitzer presented their views on gender mainstreaming.
UGC Joint Secretary Dr. Archana Thakur said that the New Educational Policy has a role in empowering women. Organising Secretary and Mangalore University Centre for Women’s Studies Director Dr. Anita Ravishankar spoke on the efforts of a large Peoples organization called the ‘Bagepalli Coolie Shangha’ in Karnataka to mainstream Gender.
University of Alberta Department of Women’s and Gender Studies Associate Professor Dr. Susanne Luhmann, University of Victoria (Canada) Department of Gender Studies Chair Dr Laura Parisi, Prof. N Manimekalai of Bharathidasan University, Ms. Preethi Lolaksha Nagaveni of Lancaster University, Dr. M Indira of University of Mysore also presented their views of various topics.
Co-Organizing secretaries Mangalore University Professor of Political Science Prof. Jayaraj Amin and Professor of English Dr. Ravishankar Rao were also present.