Dalits and Muslims are the major communities and pillars of our Indian democracy. The simple reason is that, these communities are active participants of our electoral politics. No political party can form government without the vote of these communities. One can say that these communities are the major decision-makers as voters played and also playing an important role in every election but the social and political status and conditions of these communities are very pathetic.
According to the population, Muslim community comprises of 13.4% of population major minority community. But the six decades of post independent India and the ruling class has betrayed and denied social justice to the largest minority of the country. It has been seen and witnessed inadequate representation in education, employment, land owning And Politics compare to the population.
Many intellectuals and progressive groups of this country raised their concern and voice against this and governments made some efforts to understand the grave realities of this community. Many studies have been conducted so far to understand the realities and problems of this community. The noteworthy study in this regard conducted in 19th century by British ruler Man Stuart Elphinson. He opined that, within Muslims there are many backward communities; special development package is needed to uplift the community. In 1935 Indian government made an act for reservation for Dalit Muslims as reservation given to Hindu Dalits.
The late Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi formed a 10 member commission then called as Dr. Gopalsingh commission to study the status and conditions of Muslim minorities and Dalits in India. This commission has submitted report on June 14th, 1983 and reported that, Muslims and dalits are having feeling of under representation and social, economical and social disparities compare to others. This feeling should be wiped out from the mindset by providing facilities and opportunities to participate in the main stream.
The implementation of Mandal commission report in 1983 was made some impact on the community and the conditions of the community improved a little. In 2004 UPA government Prime minister Mr. Manmohan Singh appointed a commission comprises of 7 members, under the chairmanship of Justice Rajendra Sachar to study the conditions of muslims in India with respect to educational, economical, social conditions. Sachar commission has submitted a detailed report with 16 recommendations on 17th of November 2007. Prime minister presented this report in the parliament on November 30, 2007. Sachar report is consisting of 12 chapters and 478 pages, this commission traveled across India mainly 13 states, where majority of the Muslims are located. Sachar commission also reported the feelings of Muslim minorities.
The irony of the situation is up to 2001 census no government or other institutions have documented on the representation in various sectors. No attempts made to present or project the grave realities of the situation of Muslims with respect to backwardness in front of the governments. This community not only backward in education it is very backward too in employment sector. 94.9% of population is comes under below poverty line and 60% of the population is again land less.
Representation in police department is 6%, in health department 6.4%, in transport 4.5% and railway 4.5%. But among this representation 98.7% comes under the category of 3 and 4. The representations in higher services like IPS 4%, IAS 3% and in IFS 1.8%. Compare to the population this representation is very low, the population is 13.4% and the representation is only 4.9%.
It is quite natural that, the community which is backward in education and employment will comes under the clutches of poverty. In some states it is very backward then the dalits. Understanding this problem is very important, because it is not only the Muslim issue rather it is a question of social justice of the larger society. Inadequate representation and inadequate opportunities for any community is inhuman. There is a necessity that, the available opportunities and resources should be distributed equally among all the communities based on the population and the representation in government sectors also should be based on population if not how can we call our system is democratic.
All the political parties have used muslims as votebank and most of the political parties are posing themselves as the liberators and pro muslims but it is not true, just for vote sake these parties may do several things. Its the responsibility of the Muslim intellectuals And social activits to create awareness on the issues related to backwardness and bring social change within the community it is also responsibility of the believers of social justice of the larger society.

ಮುಸ್ಲಿಮರ ಸಾಮಾಜಿಕ ಸ್ಥಿತಿ -ಗತಿಗಳ ಕುರಿತು ನನ್ನ ದೊಂದು ಸಣ್ಣ ಹಳೇ ಲೇಖನ.ಇಂದಿಗೂ ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತವೆಂದು ಭಾವಿಸಿ ಇಲ್ಲಿ ನೀಡುತ್ತಿರುವೆ.

*Dr.Khasim sab. A*

(20 ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂಬರ್, 2008)